2007年7月15日 星期日


科風股份有限公司將投入更多的電源相關產品, 利用科風20多年來在電源轉換的技術實力, 加上油價不斷攀高而帶來的替代電力系統需求, 尤其太陽能的發電方案又是最環保, 容易安裝, 最經濟的一種能源替代方案. 此外科風公司開發出太陽能整流器其主要的功能為將直流電轉為市電可以使用的交流電,而太陽能電池則是利用矽為材料進行光電能轉換的媒介,電池在將光能轉換成電能後,需要太陽能整流器進行電流種類的轉換以與市電並聯或與蓄電池串聯進行儲能的工作.
太陽能發電設備在許多國家已經成為各國政府(如德國,西班牙,美國等)大力推動的一項方案, 並透過提供裝設補助或是餘電買回的這些獎勵措施, 成為家家戶戶必須要裝設的一項設施. 整個太陽能的發電設施, 除了科風現有的太陽能整流器, 太陽能電池之外還要搭配太陽能電池面板模組, 科風透過這樣的整合將可提供商業或消費者一個完全的整合方案,並且達到最佳的經濟效益提高投資的報酬. 因而科風公司在這方面將有全方位的投入, 2007年初期將以面板的封裝廠為一投資項目.
據Piper Jaffray公司的報告,由德國、日本的強大需求,以最近來自美國需求所驅動,2007年太陽能模組市場預計可由2005年的55億美元成長到70億美元;2010年,太陽能模組市場則預計可達150億美元。該公司同時指出,2007年,全球太陽能模組市場預計可達2,338百萬瓦特,較2006年成長30~35%。但2007年整體太陽能電池市場預計能達2,860百萬瓦特,較2006年成長約25%.
不過,隨著更多的多晶矽能量被有效利用,太陽能領域將自2007年大幅成長。在此同時,太陽能整體安裝市場也將成長15~20%。科風資深行銷協理-蕭家嶔表示,通常,商用市場是驅動太陽能成長的主要因素。最大用戶可能來自於沃爾碼、商業與學校等,而不僅僅是百萬戶的住宅市場, 科風預計在2007年有30%的營業收入來自於太陽能相關產品.

Powercom Co. Ltd., is aiming to invest more power and related products over the next few years, taking advantage of the solar and wind power conversion technology strength while oil price is constantly rising and the demand for alternative electricity systems is booming, among all alternative energy resources, solar power generation program is the most environmental friendly with easy installation, thus, the most green and economical energy that human being is able to rely on it for decades. In addition, Powercom has developed the wind and solar inverter its major function is to convert DC electricity to AC that we need for all household electronic devices. Solar cells is the use of silicone materials for photovoltaic energy conversion, the cells will transfer sunlight into electrical energy, need for current inverter type of conversion, which will be in parallel with the electricity or battery energy storage.

Solar power has become a major government incentive program in many countries, and through the provision of subsidies or installation –by bought in these incentives, businesses or households must install in the facility. The entire solar power generation facility that Powercom has, in addition to the existing Section of PV inverter, Powercom is establishing its solar module assembly line. Powercom will achieve the best economic efficiency and improve investment return.

According to Piper Jaffray's report that the strong demand from Germany, Japan and the United States, 2007 solar module has grown from 5.5 billion U.S. dollars to 70 billion U.S. dollars. By 2010, a solar module market is expected to reach 15 billion U.S. dollars. The company also pointed out that in 2007, the global solar module market is expected to reach 2,338 million watts. A 30 ~ 35% growth compared to 2006. But in 2007 the overall solar cell market is expected to reach 2, 680 million watts, compared with 2006 year's harvest of about 25% growth.

However, as more energy was effectively produced by, the overall Solar industry is expecting a booming in 2007. At the same time, solar module market will grow 15 ~ 20% annually. Senior Marketing Director – Ferrari Hsiao said that normally, the business sector is the key factor in driving the growth of solar market. The largest users may result from business and schools, such as Walmart and not just millions in the residential market. Powercom is expecting to see a 30% of its revenue contributed from solar product lines in 2007.
